[GIVEAWAY] StoryBundle — The WordFire Press Super Showcase Bundle
If you’re looking for something to read over the holidays, we may just have the thing for you.
Thanks to the generosity of one of the authors in The WordFire Press Super Showcase Bundle on StoryBundle, we have one free code to give away for it.
If you haven’t heard of WordFire, it’s Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta’s publishing house, created with the intent of reissuing out of print books as ebooks. They’ve since moved to also releasing new content. This bundle runs until December 28th and contains a great mixture of 17 books which shows off some of the range of their authors and publications.
Included in it are:
- Maximum Velocity, edited by David Lee Summers
- Monsterland by Michael Okon
- Empty Rooms by Jeffrey J. Mariotte (read out review of Empty Rooms here)
- She Murdered Me with Science by David Boop
- A Fantastic Holiday Season, edited by Kevin J. Anderson and Keith J. Olexa
* - Dandelion Iron: The Juniper Wars Book 1 by Aaron Michael Ritchie
- Lady Sherlock by Brooks Arthur Wachtel
- The Fly Guy by Colum Sanson-Regan
- Indomitable by J.B. Garner
- Griffin’s Feather by J.T. Evans
- The Crown and the Dragon by John D. Payne
- Pack Dynamics by Julie Frost
- Death Warmed Over by Kevin J. Anderson
- First Chosen by M. Todd Gallowglas
- Banshees by Mike Baron
- Away Games by Mike Resnick
- Death Wind by Travis Heerman and Jim Pinto
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with how StoryBundles work; you pay what you want for the books in it. With the first five (the ones before that asterisk), you receive them regardless of if you give a dollar or a hundred. The remaining twelve are ones you receive if you pay at least $15.
A part of the proceeds will go directly to Be a Santa nonprofit run by Patricia Tallman (from Babylon 5 and Night of the Living Dead).
Without further ado, the giveaway:
We’re keeping it simple this time around. To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment: If you’ve read any of the titles in this bundle, leave a comment with what you thought about it (or them, as the case may be). If you haven’t read any, let us know which one(s) you’re most interested in!
The giveaway will be open up until 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, December 13th.
I will contact the winner with their code and instructions on how to redeem it on Thursday.

Michael Richards
Yipeeee!!!! I won, Thank You to all at “The ARched Doorway” and special thanks to Rebecca for emailing me the redemption code
Michael Richards
This is such a fantastic idea, so many books disappear from print! I’m intrigued by some of the titles, definitely want to read Maximum Velocity, looks like a great anthology. read the “House” books from the dune universe and thorough enjoyed them, gonna have to by the brook versions as moved house and lost them
Michael R. Martin
Empty Rooms. Jeff is a great writer so I”m really wanting to check that one out.
Rebecca Lovatt
Oh, you’re in for a great treat! Empty Rooms was a fantastic read. I hope you get the chance to read it sometime soon, whether through this or elsewhen.
Andy Angel
I’ve read none but the crown and the dragon really appeals
Jane Ryder
I haven’t read a single one, but since the 80s were my heyday, I’m particularly intrigued by She Murdered Me with Science. Monsterland also sounds fun, and I like the sound of death warmed over. Too many options! My brain is short-circuiting …
Todd Bergman
I read Death Warmed Over by Kevin J. Anderson. The world Anderson created of New Orleans after an event that causes the dead to return is really fun. A zombie PI who deals with the re-living and their unusual cases give the noir genre a lighthearted kick in the britches.