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If you could be any flavour of ice cream…


If you read the interviews that I’ve been posting, you might notice something they (almost) all have in common. (Well, okay, I’m sure there are multiple things they all share, but still…) I almost always ask the same closing question: If you could be any flavour of ice cream, what flavour would you be?

A couple people have noticed this, and they’ve asked me if there’s any significance to that question. Honestly? No. But, on one hand, it does make for an interesting list to compile after doing a number of interviews (and in some instances finding the authors on Twitter/Facebook and asking them.. with no context.)

So, here’s the list! Now that this list has been posted though, I do think I’ll be switching to a new question. If you have any suggestions, please do let me know!


Stephen B. Pearl:
“I guess blueberry, to be specific Hewits Goat Milk Blueberry”

Jeffrey J. Mariotte:
“I’d probably be Neapolitan. I’m kind of a basic guy, nothing fancy or overly complicated. But I can’t settle on any one thing …  I couldn’t be any single flavor. Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry is probably just about right for me.”

Tad Williams:
“I would be Sublime Ripple, with Cayenne Pepper bits.”

Karen Dales:
“Strawberry, definitely strawberry.”

Timothy Carter:
“Chocolate chip. Best flavour of ice cream ever. Not mint chocolate chip, mind you – I can’t stand mint.”

Myke Cole
“Dried Seaweed.”

Patrick Rothfuss
“Death and thunder flavour ice cream!”

David Anthony Durham:
” Pistachio. But definitely one that is green. If it’s not green.. It’s not me.”

Brandon Sanderson *new* – February 15th
“I would be Brandon flavoured ice cream.”

*Clicking on their names, in most instances, will take you to the interview where they said it. However, for the few whose answers I got elsewhere, it’ll just take you to their website.


Andy Angel – Ebookwyrm
“Choc. Mint”

ARamone – The Arched Doorway
“I’m not sure.. Probably something sour.”

Why? Because, why not?

If you have any suggestions for silly questions to ask next, please let me know in the comments! (Or, feel free to leave your own answer!)

Rebecca created The Arched Doorway back in 2011 as an outlet for her thoughts on the books she reads. She spends her time as a freelance editor and reviewer. Her first anthology, Neverland's Library, came out in 2014 from Ragnarok Publications. Rebecca primarily reads historical and epic fantasy novels, such as those by Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Christian Cameron and Terry Brooks. She lives in Toronto, ON with her two snakes and hundreds of books.


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